
Transitioning from one to two with ease. With Theresa

Theresa from Montessori in Real  Life
It was a delight to be speaking with Theresa from Montessori in Real Life. I’ve been following her journey into parenthood and most recently her transition from one to two children at home. She shares what she did to prepare her oldest D, just two years old for the arrival of Baby S, now 5 months.

What we Talked About

  • How she discovered Montessori and how it changed both her life and her family’s. 
  • Transitioning from having one child at home to two. 
  • She shared her tips on how to make that transition easier for the older sibling.
  • The dynamic triangle of the adult, the home environment and the child. 
  • The importance of having our partners involved in our care and the important role the father can have when it comes to the second child. 
  • What she appreciates from her Montessori home. 

Things to Remember

“Toddlers do not get bored with sameness, they thrive on it.”
Theresa from Montessori in Real Life

Worry less about milestones and more about embracing their uniqueness.