
Montessori Institute of San Diego

Why pursue Elementary Training at Montessori Institute of San Diego?
  • AMI Montessori elementary teachers are in high demand – advance your career today.
  • Course runs for 9 months (1 academic year), or 3 summers.
  • Programs will be led by world-renowned AMI elementary trainer, Greg MacDonald.
  • Dynamic campus includes onsite AMI school for ages 18 months to 12 years.
  • Space is limited and complete applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend applying as soon as possible in order to secure your space. 
*This program is MACTE accredited.*
Meet Greg MacDonald, Director of Elementary Training
MISD is thrilled to have Greg MacDonald on-board as the Director of Training for our permanent academic year and summer elementary training programs. Greg has 19 years of broad experience as a public school elementary teacher, AMI primary and elementary teacher, and principal of both traditional and Montessori schools. And he has been training AMI elementary teachers for another 20 years on top of that!
Greg has worked with adult students since 1993 in the United States, Canada, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, and Mexico.  Over the years, he has followed the professional progress of his alumni and used their feedback to tailor his course to the unique needs of today’s workplace.  Greg is passionate about his subject matter and equally committed to making it accessible to his students.  It is this combination of expertise and approachability that sets him apart as a truly exceptional trainer.
What People are Saying About Greg MacDonald
“Our training was not only awesome and innovative, but also very humane. Thanks again!” – alumnus
“My peers are amazed at what we covered, what we were given, and the positive attitude that I brought forth from my training. I get the feeling that we had the best of the best.” – alumnus
“I am having a wonderful time meeting the challenge of putting into action all the lessons imparted… I AM LOVING IT! Our parents have become excited about what we offer day to day.” – alumnus who started her own school
“I just wanted to thank you for your time and presentation this past Tuesday… The work you have done on this topic is invaluable.  I so wish that it had been a part of my training.  However, I found it very helpful even after having almost 20 years in the classroom.  This would be an amazing (and I am sure very well attended) topic if you offered it at a conference along with your presentation on communicating with parents.  Thank you again for offering these evenings which to me are like mini refresher courses.  I have already used some of your ideas and recommendations with the children and have seen positive results.” – Montessori elementary teacher
“THANK YOU so much for coming to ‘our neck of the woods’ and for an astoundingly good workshop! I appreciated that you were able to speak thoughtfully and from experience to all levels of Montessori from infant/toddler through adolescents, as well as from the perspective of guide and administrator… I really related to what you had to say in the area of communication with parents especially.  Lastly, I LOVED your anecdotes!  You kept it interesting all day long with your great stories, and it was obvious that you really know your stuff.  I learned a lot, and my Montessori batteries got recharged, and I’m grateful!  – attendee at teacher workshop
Wondering if a career in Montessori elementary is right for you? This video could help you decide.
In the Elementary (age 6-12) Montessori teacher training, you will study and engage in…
  1. Montessori philosophy, child psychology, and practices of education: a progressive course of lectures will lead you through the essentials of Dr. Montessori’s groundbreaking educational theory, in particular as it applies to elementary education.
  2. Advanced Montessori curriculum in core areas of the elementary classroom.
  3. Practical use and exploration of the wealth of specially-designed manipulative materials developed by Dr. Montessori for the elementary classroom.
  4. Supervised practice sessions with the manipulative materials, under the guidance of qualified trainers.
  5. Observational skills: The skill of carefully and systematically observing elementary children in order to better understand and guide each student as an individual. This will include guided observations in AMI Montessori elementary classrooms.
  6. Supervised practice teaching in a fully equipped Montessori elementary classroom environment, under the supervision of the Montessori elementary teacher trainers.
  7. Montessori in practice: how to apply Montessori principles to classroom management in an elementary classroom.
  8. Practical guidance for establishing, equipping, normalizing, and operating a Montessori elementary classroom.
  9. Practical seminars in materials-making, so that you will have the skills needed to enrich your elementary classroom while staying true to Montessori principles.
Sample Lecture Topics
Greg Macdonald is dedicated to providing students with comprehensive preparation for their work with children through the use of practical techniques and strategies based firmly on fundamental Montessori principles.   In addition to offering the full AMI elementary teacher training program, this course is further complemented by intensive practical preparation for success in the classroom—a continually growing series of lecture presentations and discussions including the following topics:
  • Communication Techniques for Adults and Children
  • Working with Challenging Children
  • Conducting a Parent Conference
  • How to Plan and Deliver a Parent Information Presentation
  • Practical Life in the Elementary
  • Grace and Courtesy in the Elementary
  • Administrative Issues
  • Techniques and Strategies for Working with Older Children: How to Deliver a Presentation
    • Advanced Research Skills and Strategies
    • Exploring the Disciplines
    • Advanced Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
    • Study Directions for the Upper Elementary Child 
  • The “Silent Journey”
  • The First Day and the First Week
  • Planning and Records
  • Observation and Work Curves in the Elementary
Other lectures featured in the training course include:
  • Transitioning from the Casa dei Bambini to Elementary
  • Literacy: How to Teach Reading, Writing and Spelling the Montessori Way
  • Numeracy: How to Teach Basic Arithmetic to Elementary Children who Have not Acquired These Skills in the Casa dei Bambini
  • Written Expression: Genres, Techniques and Skills
  • Drama
  • Physical Education in the Montessori Elementary Class
  • Guiding a Nature Walk
  • Tessellations
  • Fractals
  • Music – The full Montessori music program, as designed by Maria Montessori and her collaborators, is presented. This is complemented by the weekly introduction of songs suitable for elementary children.
Beyond this core course of study, MISD is also offering a range of supplemental features to enhance your experience in the elementary teacher training, including…
  • Going out (the Montessori concept of learning beyond the classroom) is brought to life as students plan and execute their own Going Out expeditions using the rich San Diego environment.
  • Mentored role-playing exercises prepare students for the many challenges that they will face during their career. Students work together, taking on the roles of elementary guide and children as common classroom situations are explored, with guidance from Greg MacDonald and his faculty.  
  • At MISD, students don’t just learn about parent meetings—they actually prepare and deliver a parent meeting presentation to their fellow students and MISD faculty.
  • The elementary training course offered at MISD includes lectures covering the full Montessori continuum from birth to age 18, giving students vital contextual appreciation of the elementary child at his particular stage in development, featuring special guest lectures from our resident Assistants to Infancy and Primary trainer, Dr. Silvia Dubovoy.
School Sponsorship Discounts
Are you a school administrator who has just learned that your elementary guide is leaving? Does your school plan to start its first elementary classroom in the near future, or to add additional classrooms to retain graduating primary students?
The demand for Montessori-trained elementary guides has outstripped supply each year, meaning that every year, some schools have been forced to employ teachers who are not Montessori trained. By sponsoring a student for AMI elementary training, you can plan wisely for your school’s future and ensure that you will have the highest quality teachers to make your school’s vision a reality.
How Does it Work?
Every year MISD is approached by prospective students who are committed to Montessori training, who are able to move anywhere in the country once they have received their diploma, but who do not have the financial resources to obtain the training. You can sponsor one of these prospective students, or you can sponsor a student from your own community whose work you already know and like.
MISD elementary training will give your future employee crucial skills in the following areas:
  • Dealing with Challenging Children (i.e. Discipline in a Montessori Elementary Environment)
  • Working with Parents (students actually prepare and deliver parent information presentations during the course)
  • Role Playing Typical and Extreme Classroom Situations 
  • Implementing the “Silent Journey” in the Elementary Environment.
Please contact the MISD office for more information.—–
Alumni Support
MISD elementary alumni have access to their training faculty long after they have earned their diplomas.  Advice and support is just a phone call or email away. MISD alumni are welcome to visit and to repeat lectures and presentations as needed for their own professional development or greater insight. Local alumni can also stay connected and inspired through becoming album readers and assisting the faculty to review current students’ written work.

Why pursue Elementary Training at Montessori Institute of San Diego?
  • AMI Montessori elementary teachers are in high demand – advance your career today.
  • Course runs for 9 months (1 academic year), or 3 summers.
  • Programs will be led by world-renowned AMI elementary trainer, Greg MacDonald.
  • Dynamic campus includes onsite AMI school for ages 18 months to 12 years.
  • Space is limited and complete applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. We recommend applying as soon as possible in order to secure your space. 
*This program is MACTE accredited.*
Meet Greg MacDonald, Director of Elementary Training
MISD is thrilled to have Greg MacDonald on-board as the Director of Training for our permanent academic year and summer elementary training programs. Greg has 19 years of broad experience as a public school elementary teacher, AMI primary and elementary teacher, and principal of both traditional and Montessori schools. And he has been training AMI elementary teachers for another 20 years on top of that!
Greg has worked with adult students since 1993 in the United States, Canada, Italy, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, and Mexico.  Over the years, he has followed the professional progress of his alumni and used their feedback to tailor his course to the unique needs of today’s workplace.  Greg is passionate about his subject matter and equally committed to making it accessible to his students.  It is this combination of expertise and approachability that sets him apart as a truly exceptional trainer.
What People are Saying About Greg MacDonald
“Our training was not only awesome and innovative, but also very humane. Thanks again!” – alumnus
“My peers are amazed at what we covered, what we were given, and the positive attitude that I brought forth from my training. I get the feeling that we had the best of the best.” – alumnus
“I am having a wonderful time meeting the challenge of putting into action all the lessons imparted… I AM LOVING IT! Our parents have become excited about what we offer day to day.” – alumnus who started her own school
“I just wanted to thank you for your time and presentation this past Tuesday… The work you have done on this topic is invaluable.  I so wish that it had been a part of my training.  However, I found it very helpful even after having almost 20 years in the classroom.  This would be an amazing (and I am sure very well attended) topic if you offered it at a conference along with your presentation on communicating with parents.  Thank you again for offering these evenings which to me are like mini refresher courses.  I have already used some of your ideas and recommendations with the children and have seen positive results.” – Montessori elementary teacher
“THANK YOU so much for coming to ‘our neck of the woods’ and for an astoundingly good workshop! I appreciated that you were able to speak thoughtfully and from experience to all levels of Montessori from infant/toddler through adolescents, as well as from the perspective of guide and administrator… I really related to what you had to say in the area of communication with parents especially.  Lastly, I LOVED your anecdotes!  You kept it interesting all day long with your great stories, and it was obvious that you really know your stuff.  I learned a lot, and my Montessori batteries got recharged, and I’m grateful!  – attendee at teacher workshop
Wondering if a career in Montessori elementary is right for you? This video could help you decide.
In the Elementary (age 6-12) Montessori teacher training, you will study and engage in…
  1. Montessori philosophy, child psychology, and practices of education: a progressive course of lectures will lead you through the essentials of Dr. Montessori’s groundbreaking educational theory, in particular as it applies to elementary education.
  2. Advanced Montessori curriculum in core areas of the elementary classroom.
  3. Practical use and exploration of the wealth of specially-designed manipulative materials developed by Dr. Montessori for the elementary classroom.
  4. Supervised practice sessions with the manipulative materials, under the guidance of qualified trainers.
  5. Observational skills: The skill of carefully and systematically observing elementary children in order to better understand and guide each student as an individual. This will include guided observations in AMI Montessori elementary classrooms.
  6. Supervised practice teaching in a fully equipped Montessori elementary classroom environment, under the supervision of the Montessori elementary teacher trainers.
  7. Montessori in practice: how to apply Montessori principles to classroom management in an elementary classroom.
  8. Practical guidance for establishing, equipping, normalizing, and operating a Montessori elementary classroom.
  9. Practical seminars in materials-making, so that you will have the skills needed to enrich your elementary classroom while staying true to Montessori principles.
Sample Lecture Topics
Greg Macdonald is dedicated to providing students with comprehensive preparation for their work with children through the use of practical techniques and strategies based firmly on fundamental Montessori principles.   In addition to offering the full AMI elementary teacher training program, this course is further complemented by intensive practical preparation for success in the classroom—a continually growing series of lecture presentations and discussions including the following topics:
  • Communication Techniques for Adults and Children
  • Working with Challenging Children
  • Conducting a Parent Conference
  • How to Plan and Deliver a Parent Information Presentation
  • Practical Life in the Elementary
  • Grace and Courtesy in the Elementary
  • Administrative Issues
  • Techniques and Strategies for Working with Older Children: How to Deliver a Presentation
    • Advanced Research Skills and Strategies
    • Exploring the Disciplines
    • Advanced Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
    • Study Directions for the Upper Elementary Child 
  • The “Silent Journey”
  • The First Day and the First Week
  • Planning and Records
  • Observation and Work Curves in the Elementary
Other lectures featured in the training course include:
  • Transitioning from the Casa dei Bambini to Elementary
  • Literacy: How to Teach Reading, Writing and Spelling the Montessori Way
  • Numeracy: How to Teach Basic Arithmetic to Elementary Children who Have not Acquired These Skills in the Casa dei Bambini
  • Written Expression: Genres, Techniques and Skills
  • Drama
  • Physical Education in the Montessori Elementary Class
  • Guiding a Nature Walk
  • Tessellations
  • Fractals
  • Music – The full Montessori music program, as designed by Maria Montessori and her collaborators, is presented. This is complemented by the weekly introduction of songs suitable for elementary children.
Beyond this core course of study, MISD is also offering a range of supplemental features to enhance your experience in the elementary teacher training, including…
  • Going out (the Montessori concept of learning beyond the classroom) is brought to life as students plan and execute their own Going Out expeditions using the rich San Diego environment.
  • Mentored role-playing exercises prepare students for the many challenges that they will face during their career. Students work together, taking on the roles of elementary guide and children as common classroom situations are explored, with guidance from Greg MacDonald and his faculty.  
  • At MISD, students don’t just learn about parent meetings—they actually prepare and deliver a parent meeting presentation to their fellow students and MISD faculty.
  • The elementary training course offered at MISD includes lectures covering the full Montessori continuum from birth to age 18, giving students vital contextual appreciation of the elementary child at his particular stage in development, featuring special guest lectures from our resident Assistants to Infancy and Primary trainer, Dr. Silvia Dubovoy.
School Sponsorship Discounts
Are you a school administrator who has just learned that your elementary guide is leaving? Does your school plan to start its first elementary classroom in the near future, or to add additional classrooms to retain graduating primary students?
The demand for Montessori-trained elementary guides has outstripped supply each year, meaning that every year, some schools have been forced to employ teachers who are not Montessori trained. By sponsoring a student for AMI elementary training, you can plan wisely for your school’s future and ensure that you will have the highest quality teachers to make your school’s vision a reality.
How Does it Work?
Every year MISD is approached by prospective students who are committed to Montessori training, who are able to move anywhere in the country once they have received their diploma, but who do not have the financial resources to obtain the training. You can sponsor one of these prospective students, or you can sponsor a student from your own community whose work you already know and like.
MISD elementary training will give your future employee crucial skills in the following areas:
  • Dealing with Challenging Children (i.e. Discipline in a Montessori Elementary Environment)
  • Working with Parents (students actually prepare and deliver parent information presentations during the course)
  • Role Playing Typical and Extreme Classroom Situations 
  • Implementing the “Silent Journey” in the Elementary Environment.
Please contact the MISD office for more information.—–
Alumni Support
MISD elementary alumni have access to their training faculty long after they have earned their diplomas.  Advice and support is just a phone call or email away. MISD alumni are welcome to visit and to repeat lectures and presentations as needed for their own professional development or greater insight. Local alumni can also stay connected and inspired through becoming album readers and assisting the faculty to review current students’ written work.
Located in beautiful, sunny San Diego, California, MISD is a leader in Montessori teacher training.
The Montessori Institute of San Diego is affiliated with the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), the international organization established by Dr. Maria Montessori herself to maintain the integrity of her work.

Our Mission
Here at MISD, our mission is to train teachers in the Montessori method, an incredible philosophy of education originated by Dr. Maria Montessori over a century ago. Dr. Montessori believed that children are travelers on a limitless journey of self-creation, and that our role as educators is to gently guide them through this self-directed process.
But although the choice to learn, grow, and develop ultimately must originate with the child, setting up the circumstances in which this can best occur is a beautiful and complex art. At MISD, we teach you that art. We train knowledgeable, idealistic professionals, who are prepared in all ways to embark on a rewarding career in Montessori education.
Our History
Dr. Silvia Dubovoy, MISD’s world-renowned Montessori trainer, founded her training center in 1996. Dr. Dubovoy was inspired by a series of articles written by Ronald Kotulak in the Chicago Tribune, which presented new research in neuroscience that supported concepts such as sensitive periods, the absorption of language, and other principles of early childhood development that Maria Montessori had already discovered inductively, through direct observation, decades before. Reading these articles spurred Dr. Dubovoy to action. She already agreed strongly with the Montessori method, and now that modern science was catching up, she felt that the time was ripe to spread the Montessori message to a new generation of teachers.
In her previous work as psychologist, Dr. Dubovoy had affected people’s lives one-on-one or in small groups. She felt that the next step in her career was to contribute to a broader educational change, by training teachers who would go out into the world and educate thousands of children the way they ought to be educated.
And so, the Teacher Training Center at MISD was established in San Diego, California, in June of 1996. At first, our course of study focused on the Primary age group (three to six years). Later, we added an additional course of study emphasizing younger children, from birth to three years, called the “Assistants to Infancy” course. Brand new in 2013, MISD will also offer an Elementary training program for ages 6-12!
In addition to its affiliation with AMI, the Montessori Institute of San Diego is approved to offer educational training in California by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE): http://www.bppe.ca.gov/. MISD is also affiliated with Loyola University Maryland, a relationship that allows our graduates to apply their MISD training toward a Master’s of Education. Please see the partner program website for more information: Loyola University Maryland
International Students Welcome!
At MISD, we welcome international students from around the world, and are pleased to provide sponsorship for F-1 student visas. Our students and alumni are a diverse community, from all countries and backgrounds, united by a common philosophy. Upon graduation, many of our alumni find positions at Montessori schools in the United States, and ultimately choose to stay in this country. Many also choose to return to their home countries, or seek positions in other countries around the world, bringing with them the knowledge that they have gained to enrich the global community of Montessori educators.
Montessori really changed my perspective on life and that of my family. Not only did it prepare me to be a better teacher, but also a better mother, and most of all a better member of society. At MISD, I met some of my best friends. Together, we had a wonderful time learning about who children really are and how we can best help them to become good citizens of the word.” – Paula, Primary class of 2010, A-I class of 2012
Why Montessori Training? 
There is a reason that Montessori draws some of the most thoughtful, passionate, and idealistic educators around…
It’s because as Montessorians, we believe in the sacred individuality of each child. We are fascinated by the beauty of the child’s journey toward knowledge and independence. If you find yourself similarly fascinated, a Montessori teacher certification may be for you.
Dr. Montessori made a careful, systematic, scientific study of children – how they think, how they develop, how they learn, what motivates them, what they enjoy, what their natural tendencies are, and how those tendencies may be either corrupted or nurtured by an educational environment. At MISD, you gain access to the culmination of this careful study, and the work that has been done to elaborate it over the years – a brilliant theory of education that has gained worldwide recognition.
Your Montessori certification will advance your career, and serve as an alternative teaching certificate that is a respected passport in early childhood education.
In earning your AMI teaching certificate, you will:
  • Learn how to prepare a state-of-the-art Montessori classroom environment, and ensure that children are optimally challenged at all stages of their development.
  • Learn Montessori curriculum in all areas of the classroom, including Practical Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language, Geography, Science (heavy emphasis on Biology),   History, Art, and Music.
  • Learn to understand and properly use the wealth of specially-designed Montessori materials developed by Dr. Montessori over the course of her life’s work with children.
  • Learn the science of child development (from birth to 12 years).
  • Learn the rich and subtle theory behind the Montessori method, and learn to apply it in practice in many different types of situations, with many different types of children.
  • Develop the skills to help parents support their children’s development at home.
  • Be guided to self-author a set of hand-illustrated Montessori albums that you will take with you as a resource throughout your Montessori career.
  • Complete practical observations and student teaching at fantastic Montessori schools.
  • Receive mentorship and support in locating the Montessori teaching job of your dreams.
  • Gain access to an international community of high-quality Montessori schools, many of which require an AMI diploma as their hiring standard for lead teachers.
  • If you are coming from abroad, the AMI diploma opens doors at Montessori schools in the United States, which in turn creates the opportunity for a work visa and/or a green card in this country.
  • Enjoy the beautiful weather and exciting city of San Diego, California, and in particular the beauty of the La Jolla neighborhood.
“I am deeply grateful for my time spent at MISD. The rigor of Montessori teacher training pushed me beyond superficial learning and allowed me the opportunity to connect with what truly matters to me. The human interaction with a group of multi-cultural classmates and staff was especially important in helping me to better appreciate the unique contribution of each individual to the process of human development.” – Francene, USD 0-6 class of 2011
Why AMI Training? 
The Montessori Institute of San Diego is affiliated with the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), the international organization established by Dr. Maria Montessori herself in order to maintain the integrity of her work.
About Dr. Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori was born in Chiaravalle, Italy in 1870, and she became the first woman to receive a degree in medicine from the University of Rome, Italy in 1896. As a physician, Dr. Montessori was in touch with young children, and she became profoundly interested in their development. Through years of careful and exhaustive scrutiny of children across races and cultures, Dr. Montessori saw that children construct their own personalities through the choices they make while interacting with their environment. She closely observed the manner in which children learn, through watching them work with the developmental materials she created over time. Those materials were designed to enable children to teach themselves, through their own, proactive efforts of exploration. Her conclusions were founded on a solid grounding in biology, psychiatry and anthropology, and grew into a rich, integrated approach to education. She continued her observations throughout her life, widening and deepening her understanding of child development and pedagogy until her death in 1952.
After living through two world wars, Dr. Montessori became profoundly concerned with the question of peace. She wrote, “Establishing a lasting peace is the work of education; all politics can do is keep us out of war.” She was nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize and captivated the attention of the greatest minds of her day like Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Rabindranath Tagore and Mohandas Gandhi. Today, Dr. Montessori’s philosophy of peace is still highly relevant in a constantly changing and unstable world.
About the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI)
Dr. Montessori herself founded the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) in 1929. She designed the AMI training program to maintain the integrity of her life’s work, and to provide a practical means for passing it on from teacher to teacher through the generations.

At MISD, our exceptional Montessori trainers have decades of experience and a wealth of knowledge.
“Dr. Dubovoy and Cristina put more of themselves into you as a student that you could ever imagine. Their endless wisdom, patience and love are an inspiration and will leave you feeling invigorated and inquisitive each and every day.” – Lauren, Primary class of 2012
MISD is honored to have Dr. Silvia Dubovoy as its Director of Training. Dr. Dubovoy is a brilliant, energetic Montessorian who has been involved with Montessori education in many capacities since 1965. She earned her Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Barcelona, and spent several years studying and collaborating with Dr. Carl R. Rogers, a leading humanistic psychologist. Dr. Dubovoy was recently interviewed on the subject of how children develop their personalities:
The Alphabet of Life from Montessori Guide on Vimeo.
Dr. Silvia Dubovoy, PhD, on the personality of the child. For more, go to www.montessoriguide.org
Though she no longer practices psychology, Dr. Dubovoy continues to be an active intellectual, and in particular does all she can to support Montessori’s theory as it relates to the field of neuroscience. She is a member of several organizations pursuing theoretical work, such as the AMI Research Committee Group and the Neurosciences Institute in La Jolla, CA, and regularly attends neuroscience symposiums and conferences both in the United States and abroad. As you can imagine, her lectures are sprinkled with fascinating discoveries in neuroscience that support Dr. Montessori’s theories.
In short, Dr. Dubovoy is one of the most passionate educators you will ever have the privilege of meeting. When she speaks, you will hold your breath for fear of missing a word!
To read about the other outstanding faculty members at MISD, visit Meet the Staff.
Our Montessori “guides” undergo a remarkable spiritual transformation, as their understanding of the role of the teacher in the classroom changes…
At MISD, we call teachers “guides” in order to highlight the unique role of the teacher in the Montessori classroom, as opposed to the more traditional teacher role that is prevalent in our society today. Montessori educators do not stand in front of classrooms and lecture to rows of students at desks. Rather, Montessori classrooms are home-like, child-centered places, where the teacher’s very careful preparation and groundwork allow her to fade into the background. From behind the scenes, the Montessori guide gently and subtly influences the happy hum of activity in her classroom. She moves around the room, stopping here to challenge a child with a new presentation or there to redirect a child who has gotten off track. She takes as much time as she can to carefully observe each individual child, writing thoughtful notes that help her to guide each child in his process of learning and growth.
This is a very different way of thinking about the classroom, and it requires an entirely different mindset. We will guide you to adopt this perhaps unfamiliar mindset as you move through the program, and encourage you in your process of self-study and self-realization. You will learn how to treat each individual child with respect, and how to “get out of the way” of the child’s own, self-directed process of discovery.
…while benefiting from a rigorous program of practical training, which prepares them for the reality of the classroom.
The rigorous course of study at MISD provides a thorough grounding in the use of Montessori materials, the ability to prepare and manage a Montessori classroom environment, and practical tips for how to deal with common scenarios that arise with children. The student teaching portion of the training is an important practical application of what you will learn. And the beautiful set of albums that you will be guided to write and hand-illustrate will be an invaluable resource that you will keep at your side throughout your career as a Montessori teacher.
“My experience at MISD doing the Primary training yielded so much more than educational results. It was a real journey that changed my life for the better in so many ways. The people I met in the training, the knowledge I acquired and the exceptional guidance by Dr. Dubovoy enriched my life and transformed me. I have just completed my first year as a guide and the training prepared me both spiritually and academically to guide children in their education for life. I would recommend MISD to anyone looking to embark on a journey to better themselves and become a part of the Montessori community.” – Katherine, Primary class of 2011

“I learnt a lot in MISD. It makes me understand Montessori education deeply and decide to develop in this area firmly. The teachers here are friendly and nice, especially Cristina. She is patient and her academic achievement is profound. Also, Dr. Dubovoy is kind and full of love.”
Jing Song, Primary ’19
“I had a wonderful experience! I met so many wonderful people and made many friends. The course was inspiring and I gained knowledge to become a better guide for my classroom and future children.”
Christina Mills, Primary ’19
“Of the many wonderful aspects of my experience at MISD, non stood out more than having the chance to learn from Cristina De Leon. She is an artful, articulate, and thorough trainer who really knows her craft!”
Joel Mendes, Primary ’19
“If I had to summarize how I feel after this course with one word, it would be proud…”
Sara Ann Ziemnicki, Primary ’19
“If I had to summarize how I feel after this course with one word, it would be “proud”. Proud of myself, my albums, materials, my classmates and the institute I studied at. The amount of work and love I put into this course truly was worth it. I couldn’t have done it without my classmates, coworkers, and Cristina. It took a village, but I can proudly say I am the prepared adult and ready to make the world a more peaceful place through my work.”
Sara Ann Ziemnicki, Primary ’19
“Yes, I do have a good experience here.  I would like to recommend to others. This is a lovely place.  Everyone is so nice and sweet. I learn lots of new skills here.  It is a new challenge for me to live in San Diego with comfortable weather.”
Yiying Chu, Primary ’19
“The knowledgable staff offer great support during this intense 2 summer course.  I have learned so much and am so grateful to MISD for the practical and spiritual preparation.”
Maria Green, Primary ’19
“It truly is an incredible gift to study here. The year I spent at the Montessori Institute of San Diego was one of the best of my life and I have no doubt it will be the same for all future generations of MISD trainees.”
Lauren, Primary class of 2012