Why write another book about Montessori?
Because many people are unaware that Montessori perfectly matches the increasing need to help our children prepare themselves for an uncertain future in a fast-changing world. After witnessing the results of quality Montessori programs repeatedly over the years that far exceed most expectations, Paula Polk Lillard and I aim to join the mainstream conversation by describing exactly how and why the Montessori approach so effectively helps children develop their independent, creative, innovative and collaborative approaches to life.
We discuss the importance of understanding and explaining Montessori clearly and implementing it authentically to reach its full benefits. We demonstrate how schools can function smoothly and we investigate the challenges and the successes of Montessori public school programs. Throughout this book, we reveal what we believe is at the heart of this approach that makes it unique, timeless and inspiring.

an excerpt from the book:
“In a nutshell, Montessori is an educational approach that matches up with child development. It recognizes the child as an active leaner who builds him- or her-self, through experiences with three components: one, the surrounding environment; two, an adult who models behavior, prepares the learning environment, and actively links the child to it; and three, freedom and boundaries that foster responsibility and further independence.”
This book is for educators, reformers, concerned citizens and parents, who want to learn how to recognize authentic Montessori education and to learn how — exactly — the approach works so well for children.