
Nido is changing


We are very excited to announce that Nido Montessori Barcelona has grown a lot since opening its doors in December 2015. The center, which originally catered for children between the ages of 15 months and 6 years old will now be changing in order to improve the program which we can offer children.
Barcelona Montessori School, in Bonanova is a new project from the founder of Nido Montessori Center. The new school will provide a British Montessori education for children aged between 15 months and 12 years old. As a result of this, our current center in the neighbourhood of Gracia will also be changing. The Children’s House classroom which is currently located in Nido Montessori will move to become part of Barcelona Montessori School, and as a result the capacity for 0 – 3 year olds in the current center will more than double.
Why are you moving Children’s House?
We have done this because we feel that the new school is able to offer a far more exciting educational opportunity for children aged 3 and above than we are currently able to offer at Nido. One of the main differences that parents will notice is that of the installations available at Barcelona Montessori School. Given the bigger space, children will be able to participate in Forest Schooling programme and Montessori Sports, two activities that we don’t have space for in the current setting. The outdoor area is significantly bigger and therefore offers much greater play opportunities as children grow. Nido is a lovely space, but a common comment we have received over the years is that it starts to be too small for children at the upper end of Children’s House. The school will also boast it’s own kitchen and chef, meaning that children can gain practical experience in the school kitchen, as well as enjoying freshly prepared food. It also has dedicated spaces for music and arts, as well as having a robotics and computing programme integrated into the day. 
How will Nido Montessori Center work?

Nido Montessori will be divided into two classrooms. Both will cater for Infant Community, but one will be slightly adapted to younger children and one slightly adapted to older children. This is primarily because we will accept children in Nido until the time at which they start school, which for some children will be age 3 1/2, or more. Children who are at Nido Montessori Center will then be able to join a local school when they enter “P3”, alternatively, if there is space available they can join Barcelona Montessori School.

Can my child still join Nido?

If your child was born in 2018 or after then yes, they can still join us. Nido Montessori will be divided into two classrooms. Both will cater for Infant Community, but one will be slightly adapted to younger children and one slightly adapted to older children. This is primarily because we will accept children in Nido until the time at which they start school, which for some children will be age 3 1/2, or more. Children who are at Nido Montessori Center will then be able to join a local school when they enter “P3”, alternatively, if there is space available they can join Barcelona Montessori School. If your child will be aged 3 or over at the time of joining, then we recommend that you apply to Barcelona Montessori School or make alternative arrangements. Whilst we can accept older children into Nido, parents should be aware that this may not be in their best interests.

If you want your child to join Nido in or after September 2020 you do not need to do anything, we will contact you when we have an available space.

I want to know more about Barcelona Montessori School.
We would like to invite all families to attend an open day at Barcelona Montessori School on Saturday, 7th March. Registration is not required but you should be aware that there are two guided tours, one in Spanish and one in English, please see the website for more details. You can find out more details from our website. After this, if you would like us to transfer your child’s application form from Nido Montessori Barcelona to Barcelona Montessori School, please send us an email stating this, don’t forget to include your child’s name.
I want my child to join Barcelona Montessori School. Do I have to complete a new application form?
If we already have your child’s application form you can simply email us and ask us to transfer the application form. We will add your child to the waiting list for the new school. Inscriptions open officially on Monday, 9th March, and places will be allocated according to the date of application. Please be aware that for some classes demand is already high and we apologise for any delay in getting back to you.