
Verano 🌞 de Investigación intensiva y periodistca 👩‍🏫 about MM- Annex with images - Issuu


Annex with images - Issuu
from The Story of Montessori in Barcelonaby Dani cañigueral

A group of students of the 2nd International course in Rome, 1914, attended by the seven grant-supported students from Cataluña. Taken from the book SERRANO, Leonor (1915). “La pedagogía Montessori. Estudio informativo y crítico presentado al Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y al Ayuntamiento de Barcelona” Madrid.

Maria Montessori giving an International Course in Rome (1914) . Serrano, Leonor (1915). La pedagogía Montessori. Estudio informativo y crítico presentado al Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y al Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Madrid

The classroom of the ‘Casa de la Maternitat’ before and after the first trials of the system in 1914 by Palau i Vera. Images taken from the magazine 'Quaderns de'Estudi', April 1920, from the article 'Un assaig d'aplicació del métode Montessori a la Casa de la Maternitat en Barcelona'.

The Montessori classroom of the school of the ‘Casa de la Maternitat’ in Barcelona. From the archives of the AMI, Amsterdam.

The buildings of the ‘Casa de la Maternitat’ at les Corts, Sarrià in Barcelona. Photograph from http:// barcelodona.blogspot.com/2017/09/ casa-de-la-maternitat-les-cortsde.html

Music at the Mancomunitat school.

AMI Archives.

Maria Montessori with a pupil at the ‘Casa dels Nens’, 1916. Photo Ballell Maymí, Frederic

Anna Maccheroni, training in Barcelona in 1916 Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya

Municipal School (1930-1934), Source, Fotográfic, Barcelona. Dominguez Martí, Josep Fons. AFB1-001

Elementary classroom of the Casa dels Nens, carrer Aribau 155 (192232). Ajuntament de Barcelona (1933). L'escola pública de Barcelona i el mètode Montessori. Barcelona: Bar-

Elementary classroom of the Casa dels Nens, carrer Aribau 155. The lesson in silence. Ajuntament de Barcelona (1933). L'escola pública de Barcelona i el mètode Montessori. Barcelona: Barcelona City Council

Municipal school, carrer Ataülf 12, (1920-1932) Dances. Ajuntament de Barcelona (1933). L'escola pública de Barcelona i el mètode Montessori. Barcelona: Barcelona City Council

Municipal school Carrer Ataülf 12 (19201932) Birds. Ajuntament de Barcelona (1933) L'escola pública de Barcelona i el mètode Montessori. Barcelona: Barcelona City Council

Children's home, carrer Córcega 268 (1932). In the background is the teacher Francisca Canals. Source - Antonia Canals.

Catalan-style chair, used in the 1916 course, which was afterwards presented to doctor Montessori as a gift from the students. Image archives from the central headquarters of the AMI, Amsterdam.

Card from Maria Montessori, with a note to Bofill regarding a meeting on 20th January 1919. Biblioteca Nacional de Catalunya.

BBust of Maria Montessori, gift from the students of the International Course of 1916 to the doctor. Its last known location before the museum was the Casa dels Nens, carrer Aribau. Museu d'història de Barcelona.

Images of Mario Montessori and his wife Helen in Barcelona.

Taken from the book SCHOCCHERA, Augusto “Introduzione a Mario M Montessori” Roma, Edizioni Opera Nazionale 1998

Maria Montessori at the Radio Associació de Barcelona in 1933. Image from the magazine of Catalunya Radio 'Activitats de la Radio Associació.

Maria Montessori and her son Mario Montessori at Tibidabo, Barcelona. Image archives from the central headquarters of the AMI, Amsterdam.

Students from the XVIII International Montessori Course in Barcelona, 1933 in the gardens of the Montessori school at C/Córsega. Photo taken from the book 'Maria Montessori, a centenary anthology' published by the AMI, 1970

Celebration banquet for the end of the 1916 International course. Photo taken from the newspaper 'Ilustració Artística', 2-51916, page 15.

Montessori classroom in Lleida, a gift to Maria Montessori on 14th March 1934 from one of her pupils, Ramón Jaen. AMI archives, Amsterdam.

Diploma awarded by the National Montessori course, held in Barcelona in April 1936. AMI archives, Amsterdam.