understanding how they belong in a sequence. As the name suggests, it focuses specifically on numbers 1 – 100.
The Hundred Board material includes a blue wooden board divided into 100 squares, a control card with the numbers 1 – 100 printed on
it, and small number tiles from 1 – 100 which are kept in a small wooden box.
Children begin working with the Hundred Board once they have a clear understanding of numbers 1 – 10 and 11 – 20. This is usuallyaround three or four years of age, depending on how quickly the child has grasped the concept of counting.
This material builds on the mathematical foundation created by earlier Montessori work, by extending the child’s knowledge of numbers
to 100, and also helping them to understand number order. Through their work, the children are able to correct any mistakes independently, as the control card guides the activity.
Presentation 1
- Invite the child to work with you and guide them to the Mathematics curriculum area.
- Identify the Hundred Board, and bring the material to a work station, placing it in the top right corner.
- Sort the number tiles into rows by the tens place (all of the 10s in one row, then the 20s and so on). They do not have to be in the correct numerical order within their row.
- Once complete, identify the column of the smallest numbers, being 1 – 10.
- Begin to place the smallest row at the top of Hundred Board in numerical order. Ensure you work from lowest to highest, from left to right, and identify each number aloud as you place it: “One, Two, Three” and so on.
- Use the control card to guide your sequencing, by pointing to each number on the card, before you find the corresponding number square.
- Once complete, remove the tiles and offer the child a turn to place numbers 1 – 10 on the board in the same manner.
- Continue to add another row of tens if the child can competently place the row before it.
- Pack away the Hundred Board with your student and return the material to the Mathematics shelves.
Extension 1
Once the child can confidently place each number tile with the assistance of the control card, ask them to complete the Hundred Boardwithout its support. This will challenge the child’s memory and sequencing, and you can gently offer assistance if it is needed.