

Fundamental principles

The fundamental principles of Montessori Pedagogy are based on:
  • To deeply respect the child, his rhythms, interests and needs.
  • To work in a congruent way with the real needs of the child according to the development in which he is.
  • Always work towards independence and autonomy: we are a help for the child to achieve different levels of independence depending on their stage.
  • Building a cohesive society and offering an education for peace.
One of the pillars of the Montessori philosophy is the observation of the child, a skill that the guides acquire through practice and that requires an individual preparation of knowledge, understanding and much love for the child. It is an active process that produces results and has consequences. The observation will at all times be positive, constructive and respectful.
Other fundamental elements are the developmental material, the prepared environment, free choice, teacher preparation and holistic education.


The Montessori method is characterized by:
  • Offering the child a prepared, orderly, clean, simple and real environment, with materials that represent the daily life where each element has its function in the development of the child. This environment offers the child the possibility of working with the material he chose, which helps him to have long periods of concentration that should not be interrupted and which helps the child to perfect all his natural abilities to learn
  • Materials that are scientifically designed, they are the key that helps the child explore the world
  • Clear limits that allow the child to live in the small society of the environment, with respect for his peers, the material and himself
  • The respect and value of the achievement of each one in his own moment and his rhythm, without encouraging competition between peers
  • A consideration of error as part of the learning, it is not highlighted but integrated as a stage in the process
  • Environments formed by groups of children from 4 to 17 months, 18 months to 3 years, 3 to 6 years which naturally helps the socialization in the group, respect and solidarity.